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One of the main bars in Newquay, Walkabout has been a central meeting place for revellers for many years. Holidaymakers, surfers and party people have come from all over the world to this small seaside town. The Walkabout bar is perched above one of Newquay’s many beaches and boasts some fantastic views and sunsets that customers have enjoyed for as long as the place as been there. In recent years the place was looking tired and very much in need of a revamp. Scafftec have erected a full scaffold to the building to allow decoration works to be carried out and bring this much loved pub back to life. We think that everyone will be looking forward to seeing the completed works and enjoying the summer in this newly cleaned up bar. #walkabout #newquay #surfers #cornwall #beach #workingoutside #scaffolding #revamp #runtothesun #boardmasters #nightlife
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We as a company are very lucky to be able to work on some amazing buildings that are steeped in beautiful historic architecture. Tavistock Town hall is one of these buildings that has stood the test of time and continues to do so. First built in 1864, it stands proud in Bedford Square. This building was in need of essential maintenance and a clean up to keep the building looking grand and safe. We erected a scaffold to the front, side and rear elevation, followed by the chimneys and main tower. This certainly was a great building to work on and it was a pleasure to see it come back to life when the scaffolding was being dismantled. A job well done by all involved. #tavistock #council #dartmoor #historic #workingoutside #townhall #riggers #RMBuilders #stonemasons #heritage
Saltquay house
Saltquay House in Plymouth had an issue where the cladding become loose after high winds hit the building. This was an ongoing issue before the scaffold was erected but due to the change in weather conditions it needed to be dealt with urgently. We were called in to erect a scaffold to the cladding so it could be safely removed and a new design of cladding installed. #Saltquay #barbican #HonkyTonk #riggers #summertime #workingoutside #plymouth #suttonharbour #scafftec #footanstey #sunset
Anyone can become a scaffolder and many of them gain a wealth of experience but only a few have the head for heights and the eye for detail. They are the ones that won’t just throw anything in there but will get the tape out and measure the correct tube to make the job look that little bit more tidy and professional. These are the guys that will get down, stand back, and think “I did that” with pride in their work. These scaffolders are the special ones, the go getters and the money earners and are worth every penny. And here at Scafftec, we are lucky to have a few, as proven through our pictures. Big thanks to the Scafftec teams.
Well done to Sambo for completing is Part 2 Course. Now onto completing his portfolio.
Well done to Stephen Jones for completing the first part of his Part 2 course. He now needs to work on his portfolio to be able to complete his final assessment. We are sure that he will have no issue in completing the next phase. #scaffolder #part2 #rigger #workingoutside #training #scafftec
Still room
We were contacted by one of our trusted clients to cost and under take erecting a scaffold within the main still room. This scaffold was fully designed to allow the roof to be supported as well as being inspected by those involved. A very delicate project from start to finish with the distillery very much still in use. The erecting area was small and tight, with it being very difficult to get materials in and out. The Still Room itself also threw in lots of obstacles to overcome. A dedicate and experienced team completed the work safely and on time, with some very positive feedback from the client. Check out the link below for more images. #Plymouth #Gin £Distillery #scafflife #riggers #workinginside #workingoutside #Barbican #Ocean #city
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Scafftec were asked to provide a scaffold to this building to allow roof works to take place. This was a large project which required a few overnight stays, an experienced gang and also several change over of lorries to keep the job moving to hit its target which was paramount to our client. It was also extremely important to consider that this building is an active funeral care business so we needed to act with respect and be as discrete as possible.Although based in the southwest, Scafftec regularly travel across the UK to fulfill clients requirements and we don’t allow distance to limit us or our clients needs. #funeralcare #coop #scafflife #cardiff #riggers #travel #weatherhead #Wales
Well done to McKenzie, who recently completed his COTS course at LTC. McKenzie is now taking the knowledge he has gained and putting it to every day use in the scaffold teams. Well done McKenzie.
I took Wilma out today for another spin. Having a 1951 Chevy pickup certainly turns some heads as you drive by. I can honestly say that it’s quite special driving around in a vintage vehicle of this type. To pull up to one of your scaffolds is also very special as hard work pays off. Wilma will go into the body shop at some point in the future and put into the company colours. #chevy #wilma #plymouth #vintage #guildhall #scaffolding #workingoutside #riggers #scafflife #pickup #scafftec