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Another Co-op scaffold complete for our clients at Weatherhead Shop Designer. This scaffold was erect to allow a full roof replacement. #scaffolding #workingoutside #riggers #paignton #southwest #torquay #scafftec
The guildhall 1.jpeg
One of our latest projects at the Guildhall. Our client requested a full scaffold to the front of the building to allow masonry works to be carried out. #scaffolding #Plymouth #TheGuildhallPlymouth #Westcountry #stonemasons #workingoutside #construction #riggers #thetreasury
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This is the very boat that was designed and built by Richard Branson and his team to go across the Atlantic and beat the world record. We have been lucky enough to be asked to provide a temporary roof over the project in order for the current owner to carry out maintenance in a clean dry area. This is a beautiful part of British history. #scaffolding #virgin #richardbranson #atlantic #challenger #plymouth #yachthaven #scafflife #riggers #boats #water #yachting
Work completed on the road side of the building, now to the other side to erect the same. This will allow the roofers to start carrying out roof works. #scaffolding #reelcinema #plymouth #events #nightlife #scafflife #roofers #theater
Work has started on the Reel Cinema. A beautiful building that’s being restored and brought back to life once again. #scaffolding #reelcinema #plymouth #scafflife #riggers #summertime #nightlife
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Scafftec were asked to erect a scaffold temporary roof over the store to allow full roof works to be carried out. This job was for our long standing client Weatherhead Shop Designers and DFR roofing who are doing the roof. #scaffolding #scafflife #torquay #co-op #riggers #englishriviera #weatherhead #dfr
Church honiton
Scafftec erected a scaffold to this church to give access onto the roof. This allowed lead repairs to be carried out. #scaffolding #scafflife #riggers #workingoutside #churches #heritage #honiton #dfr
Torbay hotel
The hotel needed modernising which involved completely re doing of the render. The project needed to be conducted over the winter months due to not being peak season. The scaffold was erected so that it could be shrink wrapped, giving an area thats water proof to allow work to be carried out in all elements. #scaffolding #scafflife #torbay #torquay #workingoutside #riggers #theenglishriviera #hotels #paignton
Prezzo bridgewater
Scafftec were asked to give access to the dome section of the roof. This enabled leak repairs to be carried out. #scaffolding #bridgewater #prezzo #scafflife #riggers #scafftec #Somerset #workingoutside
Co op peverell
Scafftec were asked to scaffold the bell tower of this Co-op . Leak repairs and decoration works were carried out. #scaffolding #plymouth #co-op #scafflife #Peverell